Within the framework of the Joint Germany – Costa Rica Networking and Research Project GREAT, a delegation from Universidad Nacional Costa Rica (UNA) visited the project partners in Dresden between 22 – 30 June 2019. The team consisted of Dr. Andrea Suárez Serrano from the Water Resources Center for Central America and The Caribbean (HIDROCEC), Dr. Paul Bautista Solis from the Mesoamerican Center of Sustainable Development of the Dry Tropics (CEMEDE), and M.Sc. Carolina Alfaro Chinchilla from the School of Chemistry.
The trip to Germany aimed at advancing the collaboration between UNA and TUD by offering the project team the opportunity to discuss about water-related challenges in both countries. The visit included meetings with researchers from the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water (KWB), a visit at the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Dresden, lectures given to graduate students of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at TUD, field trip on the Elbe river and exchange with the INOWAS group.