On 5 April 2019, Dr. Stefan and Dr. Caucci met representatives of the Research and Water Management Units of the National Service for Groundwater, Irrigation and Drainage (in Spanish: Servicio Nacional de Aguas Subterráneas, Riego y Avenamiento – SENARA). In the very open and friendly atmosphere of the meeting, Dr. Stefan introduced the scope and objectives of the ongoing collaboration project between UNA and TUD, informed about the preliminary discussions with AyA and reiterated the interest to establish a larger international groundwater working group. SENARA expressed interest in future collaborations and offered support in groundwater-relevant data. Based on previous and existing monitoring activities, SENARA suggested several aquifers as possible locations for future research projects on managed aquifer recharge. Further discussions are needed for concretisation of specific research objectives, depending also on availability of funds and the launch of the joint Committee for Technical Investigation.